Our new Security company has started work in Sunrise. They can be reached at:
(412) 925-6552 or (412) 781-5800.
There will be no election this year, as there is one vacancy and one applicant for that vacancy.
The meeting will be held at 11:00 a.m. in the Sunrise Lake office and via Zoom.
Yesterday the contractor began assembling heavy equipment in Sunrise.
The plug in the dam drainage pipe has been deflated and water is draining from the lake into Rattlesnake Creek in preparation for the work necessary to complete the temporary repair of the lake overflow system. This repair will take place over the next week or so. The permanent pipe replacement and overflow system project will not begin until we receive DEP approval of the plans that were submitted earlier this year. We don't anticipate this happening until, at the earliest, Spring/ Summer 2023.
In addition to the pipe repair, Wayco will be completing the work on the culvert at Rattlesnake Creek and Wild Meadow.
They will also be milling, repairing pot holes and paving Cabin Road including the intersection with Sunrise Drive to approximately Turf Road plus paving Cobblestone Road to Brownstone.
We are asking everyone to be understanding and patient as there may be temporary road closures, detours, and delays. Drive carefully and be extra aware of the workers, school children and residents. If you can avoid the areas where the work is taking place that would be helpful. The contractors will do their best to have the least impact on the community, but they have to get the work completed. We are in contact with the bus drivers focused on keeping the buses moving and children safe. We will update as we have more details.
If you have any questions or concerns call the office at 570-686-1880 or email the board at slpoabod@sunriselake.org or contact Security at (570) 459-3336.
Property owners, guests or tenants are not permitted to park any vehicle on community roads and/or easements (easement is 5 feet from the edge of road) from November 1st to April 1st
We are pleased to offer our residents a way to make payments remotely. Payments can be instantly sent to the SLPOA, utilizing Zelle which is available through most major banks and also through the Zelle app. Payments sent to the SLPOA through Zelle will be credited to your SLPOA account.
If you are paying from a bank account in which the name on your bank account does not match the SLPOA registered owner, for example a spouse not on a deed, or if you are sending from your business account please call the office or send an email to slpoabod@sunriselake.org to let us know your name and the account you are paying on, the time when you will be sending the payment and the amount you will be sending. This is very important as the only notification that we receive from our bank is the sender’s name and amount. If this information received does not match the name on the SLPOA account, we will have no way to credit your account properly. We do not have access to your bank information or account number.
Any questions, please contact the SLPOA office at 570-686-1880
Planning to start the Short-Term Rental on your property in Dingman Township? Here are some things you should know ...
Short-Term Property Rental (under 30 days) like those promoted, by AirBnB, Home-away, etc. are referenced in the Township Ordinance as Transient Use of Residential Property for Remuneration (or TRU for short). Although "Residential" is in the title, the ordinance applies to all type of structures including commercial buildings, trailers, recreational vehicles, yurts, etc. in which a person might spend the night.
TRUs are permitted in some zoning districts. The RC (Resort Commercial), NC (Neighborhood Commercial), and CP (Conservation and Parks) zoning districts allow TRUs with the appropriate permit.
TRUs are not permitted in the R-1 (Low Density Residential), RU (Rural District), ND-2 (Limited Neighborhood Development), and FP (Floodplain) zoning districts.
All the major subdivisions: Conashaugh Lakes, Sunrise Lake, Gold Key Lake, Crescent Lake, Lake Adventure, Pocono Mountain Woodland Lakes, Pocono Mountain 'Water Forest, etc. are located in either the R-1 or ND-2 zoning districts where TRUs are prohibited.
The regulation of TRUs has been tested in the courts. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has ruled that Municipalities may have ordinances even more restrictive than Dingman Township's.
Property owners in the RC, NC and CP zoning districts should contact the Township Office to obtain the necessary forms and learn the regulations prior to starting a TRU.
Those caught with illegal TRUs can be subject to a civil penalty of up to $500.00 per day in operation (including days the TRU is advertised even though no clients are present). Furthermore, they can be fined or otherwise punished by Pike County and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for Tax Evasion.
The Township does monitor internet sites to look for violations.
Municipal Offices (570) 296-8455 Road Department (570) 296-2140 Website: dingmantownship.org
We wanted to share the Commonwealth of PA Law regarding fireworks:
Section 2404. Use of consumer fireworks.
(a) Conditions. --A person who is at least 18 years of age and meets the requirements of this article may purchase, possess and use consumer fireworks.
(b) Prohibitions. --A person may not intentionally ignite or discharge:
(1) Consumer fireworks on public or private property without the express permission of the owner.
(2) Consumer fireworks or sparkling devices within, or throw consumer fireworks or sparkling devices from, a motor vehicle or building.
(3) Consumer fireworks or sparkling devices into or at a motor vehicle or building or at another person.
(4) Consumer fireworks or sparkling devices while the person is under the influence of alcohol, a controlled substance or another drug.
(5) Consumer fireworks within 150 feet of an occupied structure.
Though, Sunrise Lake does not have any specific rules or regulations specific to firework usage, we ask that everyone please be respectful and courteous of our neighbors and adhere to the quiet times as defined in the SLPOA Rules and Regulations.
We have received numerous complaints from property owners in the immediate area of the bus stops. Please be respectful and do not trespass on their property including blocking their driveway, parking in their driveways and allowing children to play on their property. Please remember that all lots in Sunrise Lake are privately owned regardless of whether it is developed or not. Also please be mindful of the fact that during bus stop times, the roads (main roads and side roads) are still being utilized by our residents traveling within the community. For everyone's safety, please have children wait for the bus in a group on one side of the road off the pavement as much as possible as to not block traffic flow.
In order to ensure that only Sunrise residents are utilizing the bus stops located within Sunrise Lake, please be sure you have a SLPOA sticker on your vehicle. Security will be enforcing this at all bus stops including the late bus stop over the next few weeks.
Thank you for helping to keep our community safe.
House $900.00 Lot $700.00
Annual Assessment is due on June 1st.
Please note, delinquent homeowners are now liable not only for all outstanding dues and interest, but also for processing fees.
SLPOA has security cameras around the pool, office parking lot, office area and other key areas around Sunrise. These videos will be viewed ONLY by security and the Board of Directors.
Am-Gard is our new Security company. They can be reached at (412) 925-6552 or (412) 781-5800